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the path i have chosen


I’m headed back home after being in DC this past week. I finally have a bit of time to myself to reflect on the past couple of weeks (actually months) and I find myself wondering where in the world the time went. How could it already be the first week of February? This makes me think about what I have traded my days for.

Why do we do what we do? I’m not talking only about our jobs but also our actions. What drives a person to do and say the things that we do? God and I have had some serious conversations lately about this. I feel like He’s provided me with a path that only He knows the “whys” and I’m to learn to understand. I believe we each have a purpose…a reason for being where we are, doing what we’re doing. Challenges are placed in front of us for specific reasons…which I believe make us better people.

The past weeks have provided me with reasons for our conversations to begin with, “Please help me to be the person you have intended me to be, to be more like you, and provide me with wisdom to say and do the right things”. I have certainly felt His presence and feel confident the path that was placed in front of me was laid out just as it was meant to be. People were placed in that path not only to challenge but also to  help and guide. I thank Him for working ALL THINGS for my good. The peaceful feeling of knowing that God was carrying me through the challenges eliminated the anxious feeling of having to be in control and worrying about the results (even through the tears).

We are promised only that which we are living at this very moment. Tomorrow is unknown – full of unknowns. I have chosen to make the best of today and to be a positive influence in the lives of others. To help people when needed – regardless of what they ask. To be there for a friend. To do what is right. I don’t understand the shysters of this world and I don’t even want to play their game. I may be challenged because I’m not playing, but that’s ok. I know who holds the trump card. I have to remember to listen to the voice of truth and know that what I’m doing is what is intended – what is expected.

So back to my initial thought…what am I trading my days for? To follow the path that has been laid out by God. To do HIS will. To provide a light in the dark. To walk down that narrow path with confidence that He’s guiding my every step-providing me with what I need to face the challenges and to be able to hold my head high. To live my life in a way that He will one day acknowledge by telling me, “Well done good and faithful servant”! To continue running the race knowing that every step I take is one that has been specifically put in place for a reason. To know that when I fall, He’ll be there to pick me up, brush off the dirt and send me on my way again.

Carpe Diem…seize the day!


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