#2 Post of 2012 highlights “Small Town” Caring!

When I started looking for this post, I could have swore Marcy’s fundraiser was this past fall. Silly me…the time goes way too fast! It was held in March. I was overwhelmed by the number of views this post received – but not really. Living in small town USA and being fortunate enough to experience neighborly caring has been something I will NEVER regret. You can keep the big city life and all that goes with it! As for me…my heart’s in the country and small town living. Read “When Community Comes Together” and you’ll understand where I’m coming from.  On a side note, Marcy is doing VERY well! Surgeries have revealed the cancer is gone and she’s going to continue living life to the fullest! PRAISE GOD! It’s New Year’s Eve. Our plans are to be home (babysitting my two favorite little girls) where it’s warm and safe. 🙂 For all of you who are heading out to bring in 2013 with a bang…BE CAREFUL! We’ve already seen what a “small” wreck can do to a person’s way of thinking. Have fun and here’s to 2013! New trials, new roads to travel, new fields to enter and new memories to create!