I’m sure they’re eating something but it’s not GREEN grass. 

We’re home, home! The final miles were driven yesterday. It’s been quite a long 5 days!  And so very HOT – 110 degrees on Wednesday and 105 yesterday. The Pete kept running hot all day on Wednesday – to the point it shut itself off going up a hill. That has never happened before. I asked Jim why it had decided to do it at that particular time and he said it was because of the intense heat and the four mile hills we were climbing. This heat and no rain is really taking a toll on our country. The Midwest is very, very sick right now!

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Grain Bins and Cemeteries

Historical sign found outside of the town of Jordan.

First things, first. Did you figure out what all those little rocks were in my previous post?

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The Old Grey Goose Is Dead

(This was written Monday evening after we stopped for the day) Today started out early. I was up at 4:30 for a conference call at 5:00. It’s now 11:04 p.m. In between these two times, we have left Limon, CO and are spending the night in Lusk, WY.

Taylor helping Jim by making sure the Nasty didn’t drag as it was being driven on the trailer.

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Maroon Bells or Bust!

The girls and I made it to the mountains! Jim opted to stay back and work on equipment. This gave us some great mom/daughter time to hang out and have fun. And…have fun we did!

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They’re Heeeeeerrreee

We put in a pretty full day today. It was hot – no wind – and the wheat is plenty dry now. No more worries about green. We can just GO! The test weights remain in the 62 lb range. The field we’ve been working on for the past two days will probably average 50-55 bushels. Not too bad considering this area was suffering from drought this time last year!

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“Something’s going on with the sun!”

We finished the job(s) we have been working on since late Monday afternoon. And, it was pretty much nonstop once we got rolling on Monday (today is Sunday).  Believe me; I am ready for a break – even if that’s just a moving-day break!

The job we started yesterday ended early this evening – just as a storm wanted to move towards the field. The farmer asked us if we would cut a little more but Jim didn’t want to get caught starting a field, it starting to rain and we really need to get moved to job #2. So, we played a little less risk and decided to call the job complete.  Burkburnett, Texas…it was fun but it’s time to move on.

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The Final Round of Job #1

The wind blew today. It blew so hard, it blew the mud flaps right off Frank! I believe the southerly “breeze” was blowing as hard as 40-45 mph. I faced my truck towards the east most of the day so that when it was time to roll the tarp, it was rolling with the wind. If I had it facing west and tried rolling it, the wind would catch the tarp, blow it up and probably tear it right off the box. I DIDN’T need that to happen! Sometimes, if I had to face Frank in a different direction, the grain cart driver would block the wind so the tarp wasn’t in jeopardy.  It was warm again – 92 – but with the wind, it made it more tolerable being in the truck.

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Excuse me, can you tell me what that big building is?

Today seemed more like a typical harvest day. We were able to get started before 10:00. Moisture was 13.1% with my first load. Weather man said it was going to be a warmer day than we’ve been seeing. One thing I think we all forget about because the wheat’s ready to cut now is it is still only the middle of May – not the end. So, I wonder if the cooler temps at night and the not-so-brutal day temps are because of the day we see when we look at the calendar. Today WAS warmer, though – 98 degrees with a little breeze. It was definitely a drink-your-water-jug-dry kind of day!

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A New View

The day began earlier than we were used to while  on “vacation” (due to the rain break). This morning, we had to move the trailer house. What a pain!  Everything had to be taken down, slid in, unplugged and removed just as if we were moving 250 miles.  This little trip was taking us to another section of the park – with lower voltage electricity (no air) and no sewer hookup.  Apparently the owner of the KOA had people coming in who had booked our space over a year ago. So, we have a new view when we look out our windows for the next three days. After those three days, it will mean tearing everything down again and moving back to a real RV space.  I guess I could look at it as practice – how fast can the cottage on wheels go from stationary to road ready?

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We cut wheat today!

The day started out with dew. So much dew, it looked like it had rained. It was decided that we’d go out after lunch and try a sample just to see where we were at.

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