that bed has NEVER felt so good

It’s been 11 days since the girls left. Seems like a lot longer than that! And…a lot has happened since that day.

We had rain the day before they left. Not much but enough to stop us. I spent the day on Wednesday (the day they headed south) picking up what they left-towels, bedding, etc.- which all reminded me of them so I could move on and not cry every time I saw it. We were back to the field the next day and haven’t stopped until Friday night. And then it rained. THANK GOODNESS, it rained!

That would explain why I haven’t posted.

So, let’s backtrack a bit and I’ll see if I can get you caught up on our activities without making this too long.

We finished our second location on Friday (August 8) evening. The following pictures were taken before we left.

photo 3 (3)Seems me and the Beast have been doing quite a bit of this…sitting and waiting on a truck.

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back to work (video)

photo 2 (11) - CopyThe diagonal markings in the wheat are chisel marks. At some point during this wheat’s growing season, the wind blew. It blew so hard it covered the brand new fence that was on the south side of the field. It blew right down the rows and left the wheat plant in place. How the wheat survived and why it didn’t blow out cannot be answered. And even more than that – how did it raise 60 bushel wheat? Apparently, as Jack said, “we don’t need topsoil to grow wheat”.  They chiseled this field while the wind was blowing hoping the ridges created would help minimize the blowing.

Yes…we DID get back to work! The sun was shining yesterday (July 19) with all its glory and there was heat. And we cut wheat!

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nyc – havin a grand ‘ole time!


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wordless wednesday – curious teenagers

The farmer’s wife called these guys “curious teenagers”because of their age. They certainly were curious about the machines being so close to their pasture!


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jim & tracy’s excellent adventure part 2

This story left off with us parked for the night at a truck stop in Scottsbluff, NE. This was Monday night.

Wordless Wednesday – Hands

I sat down to write a post about the final acres of wheat being cut today in Oklahoma; however, I decided to wait and will do a lengthy one later. I have a couple of really good pictures I wanted to share and since it’s “Wordless Wednesday”, I thought this was the perfect time.


Our family’s oldest and youngest hands. Grandma Dickson (age 95) and Eli (2 mos.)

1006106_519687211418710_1880583576_nWorking hands…Jim threshing wheat for a quick quality check. (thanks for sharing, Taylor)

Wordless Wednesday – Mr. Eli

913904_10151599471891147_1797574066_oOne of many pictures Eli’s Aunt Jenna took prior to leaving for Germany. We’ll have to wait until she returns from her extended trip before I can share more. Proud Grandma! 🙂


#3 – Today’s post takes us to Texas

It’s fun going back and re-reading posts over the year and remembering that particular day as though it were yesterday. This is one of those days. However, for it being the third most read post of the year, I wonder if it was the headline that caught everyone’s attention. It certainly isn’t one of the better ones – no pictures and very short. Maybe I should learn from this 🙂

Today’s post, “We gambled and won – for once!”,  takes place  in Burkburnett, TX. We had just finished the last acres of wheat and then it rained. Maybe it would be good to look back at the posting prior to this one to better understand – “Something’s going on with the sun”


The Field Trip

Yesterday started out on the cool to cold side. I didn’t know if I should have my Carhart on or a jacket. I decided to start with the Carhart and take the jacket for later in the afternoon. My day was going to be filled with 4th graders and one of their many field trips. The 4th grade is the year in our elementary school to learn about the history of Nebraska. In order to help pay for all the trips they take, they become mini salespeople. By far, their best fundraiser (in my opinion) is the Baker’s Candies – a favorite local chocolate company.

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