Oh Canada…The End!

20121211-191710I’m fairly sure it was after 9:00 by the time our plane limped towards the runway and left the city lights of Saskatoon in its rear view mirror. Once the plane was in the air, we knew we were finally headed home…hopefully! Continue reading

Oh Canada! (Cont)

img_2571-e1355089099138Ever have to sit in an airport longer than you anticipated? Due to “mechanical issues”, our plane has been delayed from Saskatoon to Minneapolis. Not sure exactly what the issue is…something with tires. No – really! So, while sitting here, I decided it would be an opportune time to update my blog with the latest pictures. Continue reading

3rd Annual “FYNO” Camping Trip

Packed and ready to go!

The third annual “Freeze Your Nads Off” camping trip has come and gone – three weeks ago already. The day we packed up and headed out was also Taylor’s 18th birthday. A long time ago, I started a tradition of decorating the kitchen for each of the girls when it was their birthday. It seems I always do it the same way – simply because how differently can you decorate a room with streamers and balloons? I decided to try something a little different this year.

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Fall Has Arrived in Eastern Nebraska

This is Curt & Jamie’s home. The colors have not been edited or enhanced by any means! Beautiful, gorgeous, awesome, amazing picture taken by Taylor.

Well, we did it. We broke down and turned on the furnace earlier this past week. All at once, summer turned its steamy head and walked away! I wouldn’t be too upset, though, if it decided to come back for a little while. I was thinking about a day this summer that I thought was almost the hottest day I could remember. I remember this day in particular because we were cutting barley and I was trying to keep the barley chaff from filling the cab of the truck – so I had the windows rolled shut when both combines came to dump. It seemed like Ed’s green combine would unload the bin faster than Jim’s (maybe he had his idled down some). Anyways…by the time Ed was done emptying his bin, the sweat was rolling from head to toe. By the time Jim finished, I literally wondered if I was going to die in the cab of that truck! When Jim FINALLY finished, I jumped out of the truck to tarp the box. When the breeze hit me – I thought I was going to freeze to death! I remember goosebumps forming before my body realized it was over 100 degrees!

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Cowboy Church

Today began by attending “Cowboy Church” held at a local horse ranch. Thank you, Dave and Dolly, for organizing this “alternative” Sunday worship which brought us together in a humble setting – a horse barn.

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The Award Goes to…

Recently, a new follower of this blog, Emily (http://thesugarlump.com/), nominated me for the “One Lovely Blog Award”.

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Moving Through the Montana Prairie

It showered in J Town early Monday night.

Jim and I headed to the field to get the combine moved back to Charlie’s. We didn’t realize the threatening cloud bank was there until we began heading east out of town. Jim kept looking back over his shoulder until it finally got the best of him. “It’s against my better judgment to go any farther”, he said. We turned around and headed back to town. There was NO WAY either one of us wanted to be on those “cow paths” should it begin to rain…especially since our service truck is the only two wheel drive pickup left in this part of the world.

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Vacation’s Over – On the Road Again!

Our final night with the Graham’s a year ago.

Just a brief note to update you on our whereabouts. Still in Lusk…but not for long!

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The Old Grey Goose Is Dead

(This was written Monday evening after we stopped for the day) Today started out early. I was up at 4:30 for a conference call at 5:00. It’s now 11:04 p.m. In between these two times, we have left Limon, CO and are spending the night in Lusk, WY.

Taylor helping Jim by making sure the Nasty didn’t drag as it was being driven on the trailer.

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Yes? No? Maybe? NO!

Nope…not today. We thought we might get to start later this afternoon but it just didn’t happen. And, it wasn’t because we weren’t ALL anxious to get started.

Jim and I are helping another harvester on this first job of ours. The other harvester is a longtime friend of ours (Delane and Travis Reimer) whom we’ve known for over 20 years. Our kids played together when we reached the Chappell, Nebraska area. There were always a whole slug of kids at that stop – Zeorian’s, Krumbach’s, Reimer’s, Trummel’s, Slattery’s and more. It was the stop the kids looked most forward to (except Jordan, MT) because there were friends to get together with. There were times when the kids were all together in one trailer and the old folks were in another. Rain days were most looked forward to in Chappell so we could gather together for a meal and friend time.

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