On the road…again

  Leaving the Jordan, MT RV Park

We left Jordan about 1:30 this afternoon. When the people of Jordan know you’re leaving, it’s like leaving Manley all over again. Everyone wants to stop by and tell you goodbye. And I think that’s the way it should be and Jim sees it differently. He thinks we need to leave RIGHT NOW. He did a lot better today with the interruptions. You know, some times you just have to take the time to visit. We ate lunch at the Hilltop Cafe before heading out-of-town. Rose Edwards and her family run that cafe and I hate to admit it but that’s the first time I’ve been in there since she took it over. I think the previous reputation of the place sort of stuck with me and Jim. HOWEVER, I think I found my favorite place to eat out while in Jordan, MT! Now since I said that, Rose will probably sell it or something and I won’t have it to look forward to next year. We’ve known Rose and her family for as many years as we’ve been coming to Jordan.

Highway sights going through the town of Jordan, MT. I tried taking a picture of main street but it was blurry.

John & Nicole’s shop – Jordan, MT

The trip to Denton went well. It was a cool and cloudy day so it made for a swell moving day.  We got to Denton about 5:30. As we came into the outskirts of town, it started to rain and it got really chilly. It was 53 degrees when we were setting up camp. Silly thing…when we got to Arnett, OK this year (first time we’d been there too) we had the trailer house completely set up and once we started to put out the slides, we realized we were too close to the water hydrant. So, we had to unhook everything – hook up the truck and move it. Well, our last stop of the summer sort of sounded like a repeat to the beginning. It takes longer to do everything cuz the girls aren’t here. So, we’re in a new place once again and we have everything nearly set up and we realize what we thought was the sewer drain really wasn’t. Unhook and rehook and move and start all over again. Get this, though, I had on my carhart coat while setting up camp. That’s different from the beginning of the season!

All the way over here, I thought of different ideas for what to write about. Should have written them down! Probably wouldn’t have been a good idea, though. The stretch of road from Lewistown to Denton has more white crosses along it than any road I’ve ever seen. It was probably a good thing I was just driving!

Denton is a fairly small Montana town. I could only guess that it’s about the same size as Jordan. I’ll see if I can find out the population and report back. The trailer house is sitting on real grass and I can see mountains in the distance. Maybe tomorrow I’ll find out more about our new home and fill you in. For tonight, I think I’m going to call it a day!

img_0087-2Lewistown, MT

img_00881North of Lewistown, MT

North of Lewistown, MT

North of Lewistown, MT