We were supposed to have left yesterday for Texas with the first load. It decided to rain on Sunday (which was a surprise to all of us) and it set Jim behind a day. We  loaded the combine  (Jim’s truck) and  the header (my truck) late this afternoon. If things go accordingly, we will be on the road again tomorrow.

I’m having mixed emotions about this, though. We’ll be leaving without Taylor and Callie (and Jamie, Curt & Jenna). I’ve sort of come to the conclusion that when all the kids are no longer going with us, this could be a tough time of year – worse than it is already. Harvest just isn’t quite the same without the girls! I’ve never had an issue with leaving before because ALL of what’s important with home has been with us. Now, it’s getting weird 🙂 At least I have the end of May to look forward to – that’s when T & C will be joining us.

The wheat’s changing fast. I’m hoping that once we get home again we won’t have to turn right around and head back.  My feelings are that it will be CHAOS when we get back!








10 comments on “IT’S TIME!

  1. So Tracy, I need an update, tell me about the new 5th Wheel, or is there one yet????

    • Yes! There is a trailer. Go to the posting titled, “The times they are a changing” and you’ll see a couple of pictures of it. It’s beautiful. Almost too nice to be bounced up and down on the wonderful roads that we have! But, it will be awfully nice to come home to at the end of the day!

  2. Karen says:

    I wondered when you would be going with all being early this year. That has to be a hard one leaving without the ladies. All my best to all of you. Will be watching on here!

    • It is hard. I’m such a baby! Taylor & Callie will be doing the HPJ blog this year so you’ll see them there, too.. Take care and have a great summer!

  3. Judeen E. Rikli says:

    You are so brave—-I could NEVER manage all that you do or drive that big stuff down the road, Tracy!!! LOVE my gorgeous lavender-pink azalea!!! I will make my landscaper neighbor plant it so it will survive. Had some pulled pork tonite for dinner—sooooo delicious—-thanks a bunch!!! Good to see Taylor—-will try to get together with all your girls real soon. Prayers from church road for safe travels!!!

    • 🙂 Love ya, Judeen! I’m not brave – just do what I have to do. You could do it too – I know you could! I hope your azalea grows and grows and grows and THEN comes back next year. And, every time it blooms, you can think about us crazy Zeorians! Glad you liked the pork…I can’t take credit for that, though. Thank Mark R. for it when you see him again.

  4. Sonja says:

    Have a great run!

  5. Cami McAndrew says:

    If you guys make to our part of Kansas during harvest, let us know! I’d love to deliver some eggs to you! 🙂

    • Well, if you can’t bring them to Nebraska…coming to KS is the next best thing! I’m sure if we’re in the neighborhood, we’ll be looking you guys up!

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