Site icon Nebraska Wheatie

you’re STILL here?

Yep…still here.

That’s the question that’s asked a lot by everyone we come in contact with who knows we shouldn’t still be here.  Here it comes…next question…”when are you leaving?” I just shrug my shoulders, squint my eyes and say, “I don’t know.”

Here she sits, The Yellow Beast, waiting for something to happen. I can sense she’s just as ready to see a wheat field as I am. We both have to be just a little more patient. We really DON’T know when or what we’re doing right now. The wheat we were going to help with in Texas was zeroed out. A couple of weeks later, we find out job #2 (Arnett, OK) has been zeroed out. Why? Drought, mostly. Just not enough rain to keep the plants growing and doing what they’re supposed to do. There were also the late season freezes thrown in for good measure. So, maybe there’s a job #3 – in Oklahoma – but we were told to wait two weeks before we call. It’s been two weeks. I hate to even ask Jim if he made that call yet. It’s scary. It’s scary not knowing what you’re doing and it’s a big letdown when the farmer on the other end of the phone says, “don’t come – there’s nothing to cut”. I think that’s the reason Jim hasn’t called yet. If job #3 doesn’t pan out – we wait to see the outcome of job #4 (Garden City, KS).

Now what?

Well, we wait. And, I’m trying to be patient. But, when you see loaded combines and combines in wheat fields, you start to get a little antsy. It sort of feels like you weren’t invited to the party and you have to observe from the other side of the fence.

In the meantime…

I’ve become a mama again for the 5th time. Yep, you heard it right. Kinda old aren’t you? Yes, but wait til you see my baby:

We haven’t named it yet. Callie and I are mothering this baby together. I have to do it while she’s at school and she takes over when she gets home. Poor thing was thrown in a ditch by a mean human and left to die. A neighbor rescued it about a week ago. He must have thought I didn’t have enough to do because he drove in the driveway, knocked on the door and handed me this pathetic little creature and a bag of colostrx. “You have a bottle, right? I called Jim and he said you did”. Well, I didn’t but I had an eye dropper. And, so it began. Eli has even gotten in on the job. I had an all-day bus activity one day this past week and Jamie was given the duty of feeding our unnamed creature. One thing I do know…Eli does not like his mama holding this baby! Jamie said he just wouldn’t leave it alone while it was on the floor so the box had to sit on the table most of the day.

Oh…we celebrated Mother’s Day. It’s always so good to have ALL the girls home even if it’s only for an hour or two.  They showed up with flowers and cards. We took pictures, I made iced tea and we attempted to use the metal detector Jim gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. (Someone has got to show me how this thing works!) And then they all had to leave. The hardest part is watching them back out of the driveway.

Poor kid just isn’t loved by anyone!

Eli and I climbed up in the Beast and pretended we were cutting wheat. He LOVES it! Sure hope he can come see us and we really can cut wheat together this summer.


How did you celebrate Mother’s Day?

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