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Wow, is it really only Wednesday?

This has been one crazy week and it’s only midway through. It feels like my world is on a roller coaster…maybe a Farris wheel? Hmm…maybe more like the Fun House! I sort of feel like I’m running and not exactly sure where I’m headed. I’d like to think all of this will come together soon and my life will be a little more of an unchaotic state.

You know. I’ve mentioned before how I really don’t like the coming home stage of harvest. Well, it seems to be working double time on me this year. Is it because I’m getting older and slower or is it because I try to do too much at one time? I just want to get my trailer house emptied, cleaned and be done with that job. Nope…just can’t happen. I think I’m doing pretty good to get about three laundry baskets of items removed and put away in the house. Then, it’s either a phone call that I need to take, a bus route that needs driven, or volleyball game to be watched.  Tonight, it was a trip to church to be with some really awesome kids!

I really didn’t want to go to church tonight because I just want to get something accomplished. However, tonight was JUST what I needed.  I was included in the kids’ “chat” about what was going on in their lives, their stresses and concerns. I certainly felt the touch of Jesus tonight and it felt awesome! It was the most relaxed I have been in a great while! I honestly didn’t want it to end. Funny how Satan almost kept me from enjoying it.  Those stressed out kids were just what I needed!

Speaking of kids, I need to tell you about the day I had this past Saturday. Callie had a volleyball tournament so had to be in Murdock at 7:00 a.m. (Probably one of the earliest mornings I’ve had in quite a while) Once I got her there, I turned around and came back to Manley and had a cup of coffee with my brother and then the two of us headed to town to watch Callie play. After being there for a little while, Mark and Candi brought Brooklyn and Jillian to the school for me to babysit as they were headed to a Nebraska football game. After watching Callie play her second game, we made a mad dash to the car and headed for Nebraska City to watch Taylor march in the Apple Jack parade.

Saturday was not a nice day to be standing outside. It was wet and cold. I had on my Carhart coat, gloves and a stocking hat and still felt the cold. Those two little girls didn’t have a clue it was cold. Maybe one reason was they were too concerned about catching the candy being thrown from the parade floats. We had a great afternoon watching the parade and FINALLY the band we came to watch made its way down the road. I think they were like second to last. Nice job, by the way, Elmwood/Murdock marching band! They took second place.

After the parade had marched its last band and floated its last float, we made our way down to the end of main street to view the Missouri River. All summer long I had been hearing about the flooding and wanted to see what it looked like for myself. It was still extremely high and over Highway 2 but it had dropped a good 10 – 12 feet lower than the highest point. I was impressed by what I saw and wished that I would have been able to see it at its peak height.

Matt and I decided to see what we could see at the Lewis and Clark overlook. It was such a drizzly day and so much fog, we just couldn’t see the flooded valley as I had hoped we would. We walked around the area for a little while and the girls decided they really would like to take a few pictures. I have to share these pictures with you simply because it’s fun to see what they feel is worthy of a picture.  From the Lewis and Clark overlook, I took the kids to an apple orchard for a caramel apple and some apples to take home.

You know, I sort of see a pattern here – spending time with kids is just what I needed this week! And it’s only Wednesday.

 These were all taken at the Lewis and Clark Overlook.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, photos taken courtesy of Brooklyn and Jillian. Click on the picture to view them in a larger version:

Back home with Callie being silly (Brooklyn) and Jillian grinding coffee beans – one of her favorite things to do at our house!

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