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The Award Goes to…

Recently, a new follower of this blog, Emily (, nominated me for the “One Lovely Blog Award”.

This reminded me that I had been nominated by Dawn, (, for the “Sunshine Award” back in June and had completely forgotten to respond – how rude!

I certainly appreciate these two gals and their confidence in me and my blog to have even considered me for these acknowledgements! Now, I’ve got my work cut out for me. I’m going to attempt to combine the requirements for these two awards and pass them on. Is that allowable? The requirements are very similar to each other. So what I will do is answer the questions, name my blog nominations and allow the new nominees to either accept one or both nominations. This will be fun because you will be receiving two awards rather than just one. 🙂

The reason I created my blog was to allow you, the reader, the opportunity to follow our family on the custom harvesting journey. This has turned into more than just that for me. I have become friends with people all over the world and I am constantly amazed at the interest there is in our lifestyle! A dear friend and fellow harvester once told me, “We need to tell our story”.  Unfortunately, he passed away just a week after he told me this. Therefore, I am going to carry on his passion and desire to tell the custom harvesting story as long as someone will listen!

Although our wheat harvest journey is now complete for 2012, I will remain posting throughout the year – building up the excitement for the 2013 wheat harvest which is only EIGHT short months away.

So, here goes…

“One Lovely Blog Award” requires I tell you seven things about myself. I will tell you three.

The “Sunshine Award” requires that I tell you seven of my favorites. I’ll attempt to do them all.

Both awards request that you nominate some wonderful blogs by linking their sites to this post and notifying them of their nominations.

Seven things about myself (well, really only three):

  1. I love to spend time digging in dirt. I used to have a garden (many moons ago) and thoroughly loved watching it grow. Pulling weeds is therapeutic to me!
  2. I would choose chocolate over fruit any day!

  3. I’ve been to the beach and to the mountains. If I had to choose one over the other, I would definitely choose the mountains. When I see mountains in the rear view mirror, my heart just hurts!

  4. I wish I enjoyed reading books. They usually make me fall asleep (I know I said three but decided I’d add this one.)

Ok…here’s the list of favorite things:

Favorite number: Hmm…well, I’m thinking…I’ll put down 50. That’s how old I am and it seems this year has been one of my best. Why? Because I think I’ve FINALLY realized what my purpose is!

Favorite Non-Alcoholic drink: This is easy! Coffee…hands down!

Favorite animal: There’s nothing better than the loyalty of a good dog! One that can look at you as though he knows just what you’re thinking!

Facebook or Twitter: Prior to this summer, I would have said Facebook! However, I started using Twitter to reach out to people who may not have a clue what the custom harvester is and have found there are A LOT of great people interested in ag and the wheat harvest worldwide! I have fallen in love with Twitter.

My passion: #1 passion is God! It’s because of Him that all else just seems to fall into place. He’s given me a wonderful family and a desire for the industry we’re involved in. He continues to open doors for me that I know would NEVER have happened on my own!

Favorite Day of the week: When we’re back home and in the usual routine, my favorite day is Friday. During the harvest season, it’s a rainy day – if there’s not too many of them close together!

Favorite Flower: The iris.

Now, here’s the list of nominations (should you choose to accept):

1. – Dawn, I’m nominating you for the “One Lovely Blog Award”! Your photographs are outstanding!

2. – The Better Man Project…guaranteed to make you think!!

3. – you received the “One Lovely Blog Award” from the same person I did. That’s how I found your blog. Therefore, I’m nominating you for the “Sunshine Award” because I absolutely LOVE your pictures!!! They are VERY MIDWEST and it makes me wish I could take pictures just like you!

4. – a fellow Nebraskan, agvocate and mom! Love her posts!

5. – Ryan is someone I’ve gotten acquainted with via Twitter. He’s pretty busy doing a lot with his agvocating and spreading the agriculture way of life with even CNN, so I don’t expect him to follow through with these requirements but if you get a chance to check out his blog – you’ll learn something about the cattle industry or agriculture (guaranteed)!

6. – An ABSOLUTE MUST read! Jennifer has quite the story and it will one day be a movie, I’m sure! Jennifer and her Farmer met on Twitter. She’s from California and he’s from North Dakota. Jennifer picked up her entire life (leaving her family behind) and moved to North Dakota this summer. It’s fun watching her and her Farmer put their new life together on the farm. Quite the love story!

7. – Sonja is one busy woman, lives in North Dakota and is one of my loyal readers. You’ll enjoy reading all she’s got going on!

Once again, I thank you, Emily and Dawn, for the awards and for thinking my blog was worthy!

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