harvest time in montana…in a BIG way (video)

20130815-124711.jpgThe above picture shows you the reason I can begin to fill you in on how the past ten days have gone. It will be two weeks ago on Wednesday night that we came rolling into Denton. It seems like at least two months ago. Those semis you see in the picture are lined up waiting to haul the grain away from the elevator. They’re pretty much always here with those of us waiting to dump. It’s somewhat a vicious circle. The crop is amazingly large this year! We’ve been cutting 75+ bushel wheat since we started. Jim says there’s one four-letter word for it…SLOW. We have been lucky to get about 60 acres cut per day – per machine (we’re cutting with the farmer).

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jim & tracy’s excellent adventure part 2

This story left off with us parked for the night at a truck stop in Scottsbluff, NE. This was Monday night.

jim & tracy’s excellent adventure

“We were just in here yesterday”, says Mr. Jim as we’re walking into the Scottsbluff, NE WalMart this evening. “No we weren’t. It must have been the day before”, I replied. “Nope, it was just yesterday”, said Jim. Continue reading

It Feels Like Home

She wasn’t “home” when we left the driveway. “Home” was in Texas with another family. I sold the trailer house that had been home to us during the summer months last fall. What we left “home, home” with in May was an RV full of our belongings.

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Wordless Wednesday: The Z Crew

Zeorian Harvesting & Trucking 2012 (missing Curt & Jamie – DANG!)


Zeorian Harvesting finished the last acre of the 2012 wheat harvest last night. After a high-five and a “good job”, Jim and I looked at each other and smiled. Another year complete!

The past 110 days have revolved completely around wheat and being on the road. Today, the harvest letdown will creep in and continue to eat at me until everything is back home and real life begins again. It’ll be SO GOOD to be reunited with the kids but I’m not looking forward to being home. Home, right now, means routine, schedule, alarm clocks and the work of getting back to normal. The work of stepping back into the real world will involve chasing spiders and bugs from our house, unloading the cottage, deep cleaning the cottage (inside & out), and pulling a horrible amount of weeds. Ugh! Plus being thrown right back into the needs of school, church and any outside pulls.

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A visit from the Masked Bandit

These were on top of the engine compartment.

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It Just Feels Good!

We got back in the field late Tuesday morning. I was definitely in some sort of funk all day due to missing the girls and the mountains. By the end of the day, though, things sort of started falling back into place.

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Until you begin the next good book

The very first thing I need to do is tell my Dad Happy Birthday! I love you and hope you did something special for yourself today. I remember one birthday, in particular, we celebrated in Great Falls. I believe that was in 1983. I remember we sat there for what seemed like forever before we finally got just a few more acres to cut before having to head home. I know Pohney used to make you a special German chocolate cake and I can remember Tom “Thumb” always making a point to tell me to tell you Happy Birthday. Good memories!

Gathering the equipment to begin the chore of cleaning and getting ready to move…again.

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“Won’t you meet me in Montana?”

We had a fun day yesterday after we picked Jenna up. Taylor had an ulterior motive for Jenna’s visit – take senior pictures. I had been the prop scout while driving around this community the past two weeks. We certainly had a hot day trying to get that plan accomplished.

The girls goofing around after being reunited again.

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