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Remnants of Harvest Past

I am so tired today! I really think I could sleep just about anywhere-maybe even standing up (I know someone who did that in the shower). We put in a huge day yesterday. Jim told me last night on the way back to the cottage he cut 120 acres. Doesn’t sound like much if you have more than one combine. With Ed’s combine cutting the same acres, 240 sounds better. Considering it’s 70+ bushel wheat (weighing 60 lbs and 11% protein) and only two tandem trucks to haul it away, I think we did good! Poor Frank didn’t get much of a break all day. And neither did I.

Carl and I hauled to grain bins all day. That’s probably what saved the combines from having to sit and wait on trucks. Whenever I have taken grain to the elevator in town, I’ve had to wait on other trucks. However, the bins are nearly full which means grain will be hauled to town today. As a matter of fact, I’m sitting in line at the elevator right now.

Carl checking how full the bin is. When it’s full, the tractor is used to move the auger to the next empty bin. This takes someone who’s done it before-not me! It takes skill and experience backing the auger to the right spot. The tractor is also a vital component in the unloading process. It provides power to the auger via a PTO (Power Take Off) shaft. Terri and Cole headed for Billings earlier in the day. It was time to get Cole situated in his new surroundings-college. I certainly missed the 3rd truck but missed having them in the field even more. Good luck, Cole, with your new adventures! This countryside holds wonderful old treasures. Besides all the great old buildings and homesteads, there are equipment bonepiles scattered on the horizon. When I see these old treasures, it makes me think about how proud the owners would have been when they were shiny and new. Now their purpose is to remind us of how harvest used to be done.

Records are to be broken today with a forecast of 100 degrees. Thank goodness we’re hauling to the elevator AND for the southerly breeze. I’m already looking forward to the best part of the day…

P.S. Jenna will be here tomorrow morning 🙂

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