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Harvest 2013…Patience and Faith Required!

“Our worries and fears of the unknown, however, do not in any way diminish or deter our sovereign, omniscient Lord. Instead, He desires that each of us step forward in faith. He has promised that when we do so, He will provide us with the guidance we long for (Isa. 30:21).”

Harvest 2013 has begun at a snail pace for the custom harvesting industry. We all usually run frantically for weeks at a time to beat the ticking clock set by ripening wheat. That’s not the case for this summer.

This rose bush was one that I dug from my Grandma and Grandpa Hancock’s house before they left it for good. For years, it has been our alarm clock, of sorts. When the rose is blooming, it’s time to be getting down the road. This year, the alarm just keeps getting hit over and over again. One day soon, I’ll probably see the final bloom. Something I haven’t seen in a LONG time.

From Texas to Montana, we have weather issues that have hindered the custom harvester route and livelihood. Texas had been battling drought for a couple of years. The wheat that was growing and looking fairly decent (hopeful for both the farmer and harvester) met its untimely death or injury to a late freeze. 1,000’s of acres were either swathed or destroyed. I’ve heard over and over from fellow harvesters they’re cutting only 1/3 of what they usually do. They’re lucky…a phone call to our farmer left us with knowing we had NOTHING to go to Texas for this year.

I spend any extra time in my day working outside in the garden.

The next phone call was to farmer #2 in Shattuck, OK. “Yes, we still have wheat to cut. Not as many acres as was planted but we’ll need your services”. GREAT! We have something to shoot for. Since that call, a couple hundred more acres have been abandoned and won’t be cut. However, we can’t do anything sitting at home and there are equipment payments needing attention. SO…we’re gearing up for the Oklahoma destination. What after that? Who knows. Next job in SW Kansas looks REAL tough (drought and freeze). The 4th stop – Limon, CO – nothing lined up. If you remember from last summer’s posts, our farmers sowed their very last field of wheat in 2012. Unfortunately, with the lack of acres that will need cut in that area (drought and freeze) it may be tough to make up those acres. This leaves the North route. Who knows…we certainly don’t. However, I know the one who does. And this is where FAITH comes into play.

I know we’ll be taken care of. What father wouldn’t want the best for his child? I KNOW God will be watching over us. And we can give thanks even in the trials. One day, we’ll look back on this summer and say, “Oh…THAT’S why it had to happen that way.

It’s really hard for this ‘ole gal and her gypsy blood to sit here and look at pictures of combines, wheat fields and strings of trucks hauling combines being posted on Facebook and Twitter. I want to be part of that. PATIENCE!

In the meantime, I will treasure the days I have to see Eli whenever I want. Spend time tinkering in my flower gardens and visiting my dear neighbor, Dorothy. Dorothy is dying of cancer. I know when I come back in September, what I have been used to the past 27 years will no longer be. This breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes every time i think about it. I love her and will miss her so very, very much!!

Nothing better than baby toes!

The girls felt they had enough time to set up the trampoline. Something that hasn’t been done for quite a while.

Time for more fireside chats.

Frank waiting patiently for the road.

Jim and Taylor will be leaving today with the combine. We’ll know more of what the next week or so has in store for us when they return. At least it appears we’ll be going somewhere soon. So, settle down gypsy blood – patience and faith…

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