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#3…this is for YOU!

“A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.” ~ Unknown

Taylor turned 18 on November 2. It was the day we left on our annual fall camping trip. Life happened and I haven’t been able to do a post just for her. This is your post, Taylor…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I decided what I wanted to do for you was to gather a few pictures together for all the world to see. What I really wanted them to see was a shortened version of the kid you were and the young woman you have become. I hope I have adequately done this.

The people who know you, Tate, know you have a huge heart and would do anything for them. What they haven’t seen is the little rascal of a kid you were! From the get go, I knew you were going to be different from the other girls. I just KNEW you were going to be a boy. While I was pregnant, I swore you had a ball inside which you were kicking from side to side. I could visibly watch my belly shift from one side to the other. After you were born, I remember telling the doctor you never slept. Literally…you never slept. The only time I could get you to take a nap was if I either had you in the baby swing or wrapped up next to me. I bought one of those sling things which allowed me to have both hands free and still have you “attached”. Dad used to say if you had an “on/off” switch, you might be shut off most of the time. 🙂

You’ve been what someone once said – “the spice” of our family! That you have been! No one has been able to tell you what you should wear, how you should act or who you should like. You have always been one to know what you want or like and no one could change your mind. I remember some of the outfits you used to wear. It didn’t matter to me – I wasn’t about to try to get you to conform to the rest of the world.

The stories you would tell – “it had big eyes and big ears (describing a monster you saw while walking with your dad)…it was just a dog” And the time you told us about something “falling off”. Your raspy voice and short, wavy hair. Once so determined that you wanted a piece of gum, you reminded us constantly for about an hour while driving to Colorado.  Your “spot” in the car was between me and dad. I used to get so irritated with you because you moved around so much – I swore you were going to rub a hole in my skin.

You’ve grown up beautifully, Deet (Callie’s nickname for you)! You have turned into a very responsible and caring young woman. One that people have come to know they can tell anything to and it won’t be shared. You’re a hard worker. You have a huge heart and I know you love Jesus!  You’re determined. You’re one to stand up for what’s right. You hate injustice. And you like to be different from the rest. When you want something – you want it RIGHT NOW (which sometimes is slightly irritating). Sometimes, though, that little girl who used to rub my skin off, still comes out. And to this day, I know that when you walk up and touch me, you’re just wanting a “mommy fix”.

God has given you a purpose in this world. I think you may have an idea of what that is. I hope you continue to search for that specific plan He has set aside for you and go for it! Walk through those doors when they’re opened.  Happy Birthday, Taylor! I’m so proud that you’re my daughter and I’ve had the privilege of being the one God  chose  to care for you the past 18 years. You’ll soon be graduating and making your way into this great big world. I have complete faith in your abilities and I know whatever you decide to do, it’ll be done 110%.

I love you! Mom

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